6th Pay Commission notification Gazette 2008

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Sixth Central Pay Commission is the first central Pay Commission to be constituted in this century of rapid technological advances and after coming into force of the Right To Information (RTI) and Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) Acts. The Government machinery, therefore, has to gear up for better performance under stricter fiscal discipline and delivery mechanisms. These imperatives are reflected in the Terms of Reference of the Sixth central Pay Commission which made it incumbent on the Commission to recommend systemic changes for, (i) transforming the central Government organizations into modern, professional and citizen friendly entities that are dedicated to the service of the people; and (ii) harmonizing functioning of the central Government Organizations with the demands of the emerging global economic

The Sixth Central Pay Commission, therefore, had not only to evolve a proper pay package for the Government employees but also to make recommendations rationalizing the governmental structure with a view to improving the delivery mechanisms for providing better services to the common man.
The Commission, in this Report, has tried to achieve these objectives through reduction of layers within the governmental structure so that decision making and delivery is expedited. In the process, a number of superfluous levels, created merely to afford channels of promotion to Government employees, have been removed. A system that primarily lays emphasis on delivery and end results and which continuously rewards performance has been put in place by incorporating features like Performance Related Incentive (PRI) and variable increments in the basic scheme of pay scales. Flexibility is also inherent in the proposed scheme of running pay bands. By incorporating systemic changes in the existing procedure of appointments, efforts have been made for ensuring a young and dynamic bureaucracy, with a result oriented approach, where the best persons available are selected for holding specific posts. While proposing these changes, the Commission has also kept in view the capacity of the Government to pay and the principle that every rupee spent on allowances, facilities and salaries of Government employees has to translate into a specific measure for public good. It is our belief that the Report will lead to a realization that it is only the ultimate outcome and delivery to the last beneficiary which will justify the huge Government edifice. The Report will, therefore, not only increase the pay and allowances of Government employees but will also prove beneficial for all the people in the country.

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