Talimrojgar.org DET Gujarat
talimrojgar.org is the website of Directorate of Employment and Training Gujarat. It has information related to the employment services and opportunities that are available in the Gujarat State.
The Directorate of Employment & Training, DET is working under the Department of Labour and Employment, Government of Gujarat.
The latest notifications on this site are as follows:
(1) Last date of acceptance of Applications for the Post of Project Consultants in State Project Implementation Unit is extended upto 31st August 2008 |
(2) Examination of Non-Affilation September 2008 is starting from 29th September 2008. The Time Table of this is placed under Tender/Advertisement option
You can also check the online results on this site at
There are links from where you can register yourself on the employment exhange of Gujarat. DET provides employment services in the state through a network of Employment Exchanges/ Offices. There are 41 employment exchanges in the state.
Check this for the vocational training services that are available:
For ITI Results and admissions from DET check this:
Also available are:
State Level Merit List
Craftsman Training Scheme
Apprentice Training Scheme