WBSSC 9th Regional Level Selection Test (RLST) Announcements

The West Bengal School Service Commission
The 9th Regional Level Selection Test (RLST) is scheduled to be held on 21.12.2008 (Sunday) for preparing panel of Assistant Teachers in Recognised Non-Govt. aided Jr. High / High /Higher Secondary Schools (excluding Madrasahs) in West Bengal against the vacancies available and reported as per WB School Service Commission (Selection of Persons for Appointment to the Post of Teachers) Rules.
Eligibility : Citizens of India may apply for a single subject in Pass or in Hons. /PG Category in School (excluding Madrasah) in a particular Region only in the prescribed form available from the designated branches of United Bank of India.

Posts in Pass Category
Qualification Essential : Bachelor’s Degree from any UGC recognized University having concerned subject as combination subject of at least 300 marks at the degree level (or 200 marks in the old 2-year Degree Course). For Pure Science subject at least any two from the group of Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics and for Bio. Science subject any two from the group of Zoology, Botany & Physiology must be combination subjects of atleast at the Pass Level. Special B.A. in any subject will not be accepted.
Desirable : B.T./B. Ed./P.G.B.T. or any training recognized by the State Government as equivalent to B.T. / B. Ed./P.G.B.T. from a Teachers’ Training Institution duly recognized by the NCTE in the relevant academic session.
Posts in Hons. /PG Category
Essential : Bachelor’s Degree with Honours or Master’s Degree in the concerned subject from any UGC recognized University. For Biological Science a candidate must have Bachelor’s Degree with Hons. / Post Graduate Degree in any of the subjects viz. Zoology, Botany & Physiology.
Desirable : B.T./B. Ed./P.G.B.T. or any training recognized by the State Government as equivalent to B.T. / B. Ed./P.G.B.T. from a Teachers’ Training Institution duly recognized by the NCTE in the relevant academic session.
Age : Minimum : 20 years as on 01.01.2008 (i.e. not born after 01.01.1988) / Maximum : 37 years as on 01.01.2008 (i.e. not born before 01.01.1971)
Select your Resion
More Information Visit : WBSSC Wesbsite
