Fact 1 : In 1961, the first census after the state’s formation in 1956, revealed that literacy rate in Rajasthan stood at 18%, the lowest in the country. The female literacy rate was abysmally low at 7%.

Fact 2 : The latest 2001 census shows that during the last decade Rajasthan has recorded the highest percentage rise in literacy rate in the country. Female literacy was 43.85%.
According to the Economic Review (2007-08) of the state government, Rajasthan has recorded a literacy rate of 60.4%, compared with 38.6% in 1991, registering a net rise of 21.8% during the decade. The figures for male and female literacy rates are 75.7% and 43.9%, respectively. The review says, the literacy rates in the state, when compared with the national aggregate, has reduced from being 14 percent points in 1991 to a mere four percent points in 2001.

The review explains the reason for the success as a result of a two-fold measure adopted by the state. Besides the suitable implementation of the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) in the state, the rise in the literacy rate has been grossly due to initiatives taken by the state government in the education sector.
“It is an umbrella under which innovative multi-stakeholder partnerships are catalysed by enlarging the global and local private, foundations and other grassroot level NGOs in support of Rajasthan’s education objectives. The main focus of the initiative is on improving the delivery of educational services, promoting equitable access, enrolment and retention of children in school, reducing gender disparities, promoting skill development,” the review says.

And the measures have indeed paid rich dividends. According to the additional chief secretary, social infrastructure, Rajasthan, Parmesh Chandra, “As far as enrolment of students or bringing down the drop out rate is concerned, we have nearly achieved the targets in elementary schools. SSA has gained momentum and we are doing much better than many other states in the country.”
“Though the actual figure for enrolment of students between the age group of 6 to 14 years read at 97%, it can safely be put at 90%. The rest consists of those children who are nomadic or other extreme cases and would under no circumstances attend school. So, in a way, we have done the maximum that could be achieved under this programme,” Chandra adds.

In fact after the troubled ’60s the education graph of Rajasthan began to rise thanks to some public initiatives taken like the Lok Jumbish and the Shiksha Karmi. However, the early ’90s saw large-scale drop outs and absenteeism of teachers that jolted the education scenario.
But with time that was tackled by the state. In fact the state has reached such a stage now that at a time when the Centre is trying to work out the modalities for making elementary education a Fundamental Right for children between the age group of 6-14 years in the country, the state government is busy to ensure Secondary education for children.

In a unique bid, the state plans to open about 3,108 secondary level schools in the state in 2008-09. By next year, more such schools will be opened so that there is at least one secondary school in each village panchayat. It is expected that after the completion of this scheme by 2010, no student would have to travel more than 3 kms to complete their ninth and 10th grade. The estimated budget for the project stands at between Rs 300-400 crore per year. “Not only infrastructure wise, but we would also have to recruit teachers and pay them. The cost will, therefore, have to take all these factors into account,” he added.

The state has also planned to enhance the Rajasthan Board syllabus in these schools to match the CBSE pattern so as to give a better edge to students in competitive examinations.
Even in the SSA, the state education department has decided to effect some improvements for ensuring quality education.

The state has already begun extensive training of teachers as a first step in this direction. About 25,000-30,000 teachers are being given training per year in new techniques, besides lessons in the subjects that they teach. Souce : Times of India.
